I think I have probably mentioned before how much I love my Kitchen Aid mixer. Mr. Lucas got if for me for Christmas several years back, best gift ever. This thing is awesome and indestructible. So, for my birthday this year Mr. Lucas gave me the pasta attachments, second best gift ever.
There is nothing quite like homemade pasta. It melts in your mouth.
I made whole wheat fettuccine. You mix the dough in your mixer. Once you have made the dough you divide it into several small balls that are fed through the lasagna attachment to flatten it all out.
Once you have one nice long flat piece of pasta dough you run it through one of the pasta attachments that cuts the dough into the type of pasta you would like. My attachments make lasagna, fettuccine, or spaghetti.
Then you add it to boiling water and it cooks really quickly!
I made sun dried tomato pasta with Parmesan and red pepper flakes. Yum.
I think I may be addicted to pasta making. I also made a lasagna from scratch which was so good. We ate it all before I could take any pictures. :)