Over the past week we met with a rep from Empire Today to pick out flooring. Mr. Troy was very kind and knowledgeable. I have to say I am quite impressed with Empire Today. They have a lot to choose from and great deals! I like a good deal. So, I took the day off for the installation. I had no idea how loud floor installation is. So my day off wasn't necessarily relaxing. But the crew was great and did a good job.
This is a view into the kitchen. Gotta love old linoleum.
We had carpet in all bedrooms, hall, and living area. We decided to keep carpet in the bedrooms but replace the carpet in the living room and hallway.
Here is the hall before:
And the living area:
Here is the hallway after with the new wood flooring:
This is a sneak peek at the kitchen floor. I wanted to install wood in the kitchen but Mr. Lucas was completely against that. I actually found only one tile selection that I liked and thought would go perfectly with the counter top and back splash we have picked out. Jeff also cut a cat door in the closet so he cat box can be incognito! The big kitchen reveal will be later, when it is all complete!
Living area after with the wood installed:
The living area still needs some work. I think that happens when you move from a small house to a larger house, there is not enough furniture to fill every room! I am still trying to figure out my inspiration for this room too. I know I want to paint the buffet to brighten the room a bit since it is so dark. I also need more lighting because there is only one chandelier. It's a work in progress.

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