Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Texas Freaks Out!

So we are under an ice storm warning. I guess it is a reason to freak out because ice is bad and way different than snow. Here in Texas this happens about once a year. Apparently it is a big enough deal to have news coverage about the weather 24-7. It is also big enough to interrupt all regular programing about every 10 minutes with updates. Right now it is super chilly and I am very lucky to be all warm and cozy in my little house. I am hoping, however, that I can go into work late tomorrow. That would be fantastic because like the rest of my fellow born and bred Texans, I am terrified to drive in the ice, and I will look for any excuse to go to work late or not at all! Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but everyone deserves a little break. I talked to my sister a few hours ago. She lives in Arkansas in the Ozarks. I am very lucky to not be there right now because the ice storm they are having is enough for power lines to snap. They are completely without any power and it is going to be like 15 degrees there tonight!! Even though ice storms bring so much destruction, they are very pretty because everything is sparkling like a little winter fairy land.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the weather but, I posted something new in the shop.

I gotta get this shop updated and up and running!! Stay tuned for more new and improved items in the shop! I know I keep saying this but I mean it this time :-).

Happy Tuesday and stay warm!

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